Safety Policy
Fleet Operations Safety Policy
Washington College manages a fleet of owned, leased and rented motor vehicles. This policy applies to any employee, student, and/or volunteer who operates a motor vehicle on behalf of the College on any public or private property. The College strives to assure that all motor vehicles are operated in a safe manner to ensure the welfare of drivers and passengers alike. Additionally, the College engages in strategies to minimize risk, damages, and claims against the College. The procedures outline how to obtain and maintain credentials to drive on behalf of the College, how to access motor vehicles for official College business, and expectations of safety.
Primary responsibility for the motor pool is assigned to Student Affairs. The Transportation Manager, with supervision from the Athletic Director, will oversee all college motor pool vehicle operations, to include but is not limited to: development and implementation of policies governing vehicle use, management of the college’s general use motor pool of vehicles, certification of all vehicle operators, and general oversight of other College vehicles. For other college vehicles, the Transportation Manager will handle only title/registration renewals. All other aspects including but not limited to the scheduling of regular maintenance is the responsibility of the department the vehicle is assigned.
Driver Qualifications
Any person operating a College vehicle must be an enrolled student, an employee of the College or a designated agent of the College who has been pre-approved by the Transportation Manager.
Any person operating a College vehicle must hold a valid driver’s license issued in the state of their legal residence for the class of vehicle being driven. An expired driver’s license or a driver’s license issued in a country other than the United States, is not acceptable.
Any person operating a College vehicle must have secured their driver’s license at least two years prior to driving a College vehicle. Provisional licenses will not be accepted, unless the license meets the state qualification for a general license.
All persons driving a College vehicle must complete and sign the document entitled “Vehicle Operator’s Questionnaire,” and review the Fleet Operations Safety Policy.
Motor Vehicle Reports (MVRs) are required to be obtained and reviewed prior to any person’s operation of a College vehicle. This service is provided by IIX, a background check screening vendor. For individuals who operate a College vehicle, MVRs for Maryland and the person’s state of residence shall be secured and reviewed at least annually thereafter. In addition, MVRs may also be requested on a post-accident basis, regardless of how recent the MVRs on file were secured. The College will pay for initial license checks for faculty/staff/students who are required as part of their duties to drive. All subsequent license checks will be charged to the department for whom the faculty/staff/student are driving. Fees vary by state.
Because the College cannot access California State driving records, those who have a driver’s license from that state must provide an official copy of their driving record. Records obtained and printed online will not be accepted. To obtain an official record, the driver will need to complete a request form here and mail to the address listed on the form. Once the official copy of driving record is received, it must be forwarded to transportationFREEwashcoll so the approval process can be completed. No driver is approved until this process is completed.
If the driver’s license is suspended, canceled, revoked, or otherwise restricted for any reason, the driver must immediately notify their supervisor, the Transportation Manager or their designee and the Office of Human Resources of this matter. The suspension, cancellation, revocation or other restriction of an employee’s or student’s driver’s license, where driving is an essential function of the job, may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
As of March 1, 2022, all students, faculty, staff and volunteers who are new to driving College vehicles, must take an online drivers safety training beforethey will be approved to drive College vehicles.
Fleet Operations
The College’s liability insurance protects both the College and an authorized driver against damages resulting from bodily injury and/or property damage occasioned by the authorized use of College vehicles when the driver is acting within the scope of their employment or their capacity as a student and is not acting in a wanton or reckless manner.
College vehicles are intended for use only for official College business or for approved activities. If an accident occurs while the College vehicle is being operated for something other than College business or approved activities, the driver will pay the applicable deductible of $1000.00. Additionally, liability coverage could be denied if the driver had not been given permission to drive on behalf of the College.
Students wishing to operate College vehicles must obtain approval from a sponsoring department for travel and follow all other transportation policies. College vehicles may not be reserved for personal use.
College vehicles may not exceed the recommended load capacity of the vehicle for either the number of passengers or cargo weight.
Drivers have the right to refuse to transport a passenger who is unable or unwilling to control their behavior.
College vehicles must be secured at all times when unoccupied and must have contents reasonably safeguarded.
Persons using Motor Pool vehicles shall take reasonable steps to keep the vehicle clean at all times. Failure to do so may result in a $25.00 minimum cleaning fee charged to the department or club for which the vehicle was reserved.
The Transportation Manager or designee maintains and controls keys and fuel cards for Motor Pool vehicles. Individuals may not retain the keys or fuel cards of Motor Pool vehicles, unless the vehicle has been assigned to a specific individual to use in the course of their daily employment with the College. Individuals may not copy keys for personal use. All lost or stolen keys or fuel cards must be reported to the Transportation Manager or designee immediately upon discovery.
The Transportation Manager or their designee will ensure that motor pool vehicles are regularly inspected and receive required maintenance. Vehicles that are not a part of the motor pool (belong to other departments) are maintained by the individual department. Upon discovery of maintenance problems or concerns with a Motor Pool vehicle, the authorized driver must as soon as reasonably possible contact the Transportation Manager or their designee during normal business hours (Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm) or the Department of Public Safety (after office hours) to report the problem or concern.
Mechanical failure or damage due to the negligence of the driver will be the responsibility of the user’s department or organization.
Failure to follow policies may result in additional departmental charges and/or forfeiture of Motor Pool privileges.
Safety Regulations
All drivers are responsible for safe and responsible driving and are expected to follow all traffic laws, including parking regulations; posted speed limits; cell phone usage; and seat belt compliance, including ensuring all passengers are wearing their seat belts. Drivers are expected to practice defensive driving and to avoid activities that have the potential to divert attention from safe driving. Drivers are personally responsible for paying all penalties associated with traffic citations while driving College vehicles.
College vehicles may not be operated by anyone under the influence of illegal drugs, alcohol or prescription drugs that prohibit the safe operation of motor vehicles. Employees are subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment for driving a College vehicle while under the influence of illegal drugs, alcohol and prescription drugs that prohibit the safe operation of motor vehicles. Students who operate a College vehicle while under the influence of illegal drugs, alcohol, or prescription drugs that prohibit the safe operation of motor vehicles will be subject to review through the student conduct system as well as termination of driving privileges.
Drivers are expected to drive with vehicle headlights on at all times.
Alcoholic beverages (opened or unopened) may not be transported in College vehicles unless previously authorized by the Transportation Manager or their designee.
Maryland state law prohibits the use of cell phones, smart phones, portable computers, or any similar devices used for texting, messaging, emailing, and web-browsing, while operating a motor vehicle. As such, texting while driving on any handheld device is strictly prohibited while operating a College vehicle. Drivers found in violation of the anti-texting law will be personally responsible for all fines/fees/costs associated with this offense and may lose their ability to drive College vehicles in the future.
The use of radar detectors (or similar speed enforcement detection devices) is strictly prohibited in College vehicles.
Smoking, chewing tobacco, and vaping is prohibited in College vehicles.
Drivers are required to turn off the engine and refrain from smoking while fueling College vehicles.
All Motor Pool vehicles are equipped with the following safety equipment: triangles, fire extinguisher, first aid kit, and flashlight. For sedans, these items are located in the trunk of the vehicle. For minivans, these items are located in the cargo area of the minivan. For buses, this equipment is located behind the drivers seat. These items must remain in the vehicle and may only be used for their intended purpose of emergencies. If an authorized driver determines any of these items are missing from a Motor Pool vehicle, they will promptly report that to the Transportation Manager/designee.
All Motor Pool vehicles will contain accident-reporting envelopes located in the glove box. These kits include witness statement cards, accident diagram cards, insurance information (Appendix B), name and contact information for whom to call in the event of an accident, and instructions on how to report an accident (Appendix C). Drivers are responsible for utilizing this information in the event of an accident, including obtaining witness statements, providing insurance information, and reporting the accident appropriately. The accident shall be reported as soon as reasonably possible to the Transportation Manager (during normal business hours) Public Safety (after normal business hours). Such reporting is necessary to assure that all facts of the accident are available should unexpected claims be received later. Accidents must also be reported to the Risk Manager.
In the event a State of Emergency is declared for Maryland due to inclement weather, use of Motor Pool vehicles will be suspended, with the exception of vehicles deemed for emergency use (i.e. Public Safety vehicles, Buildings and Grounds vehicles, and snow removal vehicles).
During episodes of inclement weather where the State of Maryland has not declared a State of Emergency, the Director of Public Safety will decide as to whether Motor Pool vehicles may be used, including all shuttles. For shuttles, the Transportation Manager or the Office of Public Safety will make every attempt to notify students in a timely manner that service has been cancelled.
Shuttles for the beginning of the semester, end of the semester and Fall and Spring Break are for currently enrolled student use only. This shuttle may not be used by alumni, faculty, staff or visitors.
Employee drivers who are assigned to drive the scheduled shuttles are required to arrive 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time. Drivers must use this time for required pre-trip vehicle inspections and for making sure all items are in place to ensure the driver is “prepared to drive.”
The driver must document the names of the passengers on the shuttle by either placing a check mark (Ö) next to the passenger’s name as they board the shuttle. The driver will attach the shuttle roster to their timesheet and submit to the Transportation Manager/designee.
Reserving a Motor Pool vehicle
All requests for Motor Pool vehicles must be submitted to the Transportation Manager/designee using the online form (link below). Requests for vehicles should be made no less than 2 business days before the scheduled trip. If there are no vehicles available to meet the needs of the request, the Transportation Manager will give timely notification and suggest alternatives (rental vehicle, mileage reimbursement, etc.).
Use of motor pool sedans and minivans are restricted to trips within a 200-mile radius from Washington College. For trips outside of a 200-mile radius, The Transportation Manager has the discretion to approve or deny requests regardless of the distance of the trip for reasons of vehicle availability and/or safety.
All users requesting to use a Motor Pool vehicle must complete the following request:
Please be prepared to supply the following in the form:
- Date(s) of the Trip
- Type of Vehicle (Sedan/Van/Bus)
- Number of Vehicles needed
- Driver’s Name
- Driver’s Cell Phone Number
- Reason for Use
- Departure Time
- Return Time
- Department Name
- Budget code and Budget Name
- Destination
Motor Pool Fleet
The Washington College Motor Pool consists of the following vehicles. Capacity includes the driver:
- 4 mini buses (14 passenger, including the driver)
- 3 minivans (7 passenger, including the driver)
- 5 mid-sized sedans (4 passenger, including the driver)
- 1 full sized sedan (5 passenger, including the driver)
Motor Pool Fleet Charges:
Below is the new Motor Pool Rate Table, effective August 26, 2019:
Vehicle Types |
Rate |
Small Sedan (4 passenger) |
$15.00 per day or $.40/mile, whichever is greater |
Mid-size Sedan (5 passenger) |
$20.00 per day or $.45/mile, whichever is greater |
Minivan (7 passenger) |
$25.00 per day or $.55/mile, whichever is greater |
Minibus (14 passenger) or 12 passenger van |
$30.00 per day or $.65/mile, whichever is greater |
In addition to these new rates the following charges may be assessed:
Charge |
Amount |
Cleaning Fee |
$25.00 minimum |
24-hour Cancellation fee |
$25.00 |
Late return fee |
$30.00 |
Damage to vehicle |
Department will be billed the amount charged by the repair shop to fix any damage. |
Motor Pool requests are processed on a first-come, first-served basis.
A 24-hour cancellation notice is required. A $25.00 charge will be billed to the department/club for any reservation cancelled with less than 24-hour notice or is not picked up on the day of the reservation. Unavoidable cancellations within the 24-hour notice period can be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Transportation Manager who can waive the fee in certain cases.
Motor Pool vehicles must be returned on the date designated on the reservation. Failure to return the vehicle according to the date on the reservation will result in a Late Return Fee of $30.00. Repeat offenses may result in termination of driving privileges.
Motor Pool vehicles must be parked in the designated area (sedans and mini-vans in the Upper Stadium Lot in the area designated “Motor Pool”. Minibuses are located at 100 Gibson Avenue (the Larrabee Arts Building)).
Licensed service dogs are permitted to be transported in College vehicles and do not require prior notification. Service animals must be properly secured at all times and must be situated in a place that will not distract the driver (i.e. the front passenger seat).
Emotional support animals require 48 hour notification and must be situated in the vehicle in a place that will not distract the driver (i.e. not the front passenger seat). All other animals are strictly prohibited from Motor Pool vehicles.
Failure to follow policies may result in additional charges and/or forfeiture of Motor Pool privileges.
Motor pool vehicles are not to be taken home unless prior approval has been given by the Transportation Manager/Athletics Director.
For trips in which students are being transported: Prior to receiving the key packet, the Off-Campus Trip Notification Form must be completed). Click on this link to complete the form:
Use of Rental Vehicles
If there are no vehicles available to meet the needs of the request, the Transportation
Manager will give timely notification and suggest alternatives (rental vehicle,
mileage reimbursement, etc). All reservations for rental vehicles must be obtained through Egencia: Your user name is your Washington College email address. For questions about the use of Egencia to reserve rental vehicles or for mileage reimbursement, please contact the Business Office.
Use of Personal Vehicles
Washington College’s Investment and Risk Management Office strongly recommends and encourages all employees and students to use College vehicles when conducting business on behalf of the College.
The College hereby provides notice to all operators that the college does not carry insurance on, and will assume no responsibility for damages resulting from incidents involving the use of a personally owned vehicle. If a driver chooses to use their own vehicle for themselves and/or others on official college business, the driver’s personal auto insurance (and possibly liability insurance) will be the primary insurance for any accident or incident that occurs during such usage. Washington College makes no representations concerning the safety of personal vehicles or the qualifications of the operators of those vehicles.
Maryland law requires that all drivers carry a valid driver’s license and proof of auto insurance. It is the responsibility of the driver to make certain that their driver’s license has not expired or been suspended and that auto insurance premiums have been paid and the policy is active. The College recommends:
Maintaining automobile liability insurance limits of at least $100,000 per person, $300,000 per accident, and $50,000 property damage; but in no case less than the minimum required by law for the state in which the driver resides.
Maintaining current state vehicle inspection if the state requires one; and
Maintaining their “Non-Company Vehicle” in safe operating condition.
Appendix A
Examples of Serious Traffic Violations
Which May Result in Driving Privileges Not Being Offered
- Driving under suspension/revoked license
- Driving under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances
- Driving without a driver’s license
- Driving without insurance
- Driving without lights to avoid identification
- Failure to stop/report an accident
- Fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer
- Homicide by vehicle
- Homicide by vehicle while driving under the influence
- Homicide, manslaughter or assault arising from use of a vehicle
- Leaving the scene of an accident
- Racing on highways
- Reckless driving/speed contest
- Refusal to consent to a chemical test
- Committing a felony with a vehicle
- Multiple speeding violations
- At-fault vehicle accidents